SNC 22—23: 

MAA-tila project space, Helsinki

Koynē presented the exhibition Observatorium as the first result of the work of the six participating artists at the South - North Circuit during 2022-2023. 

The exhibition brought out  the encounters, disencounters and re-encounters between the participants who undertook a work that questioned and reconsidered the unpredictable relationships generated when interacting with different spaces, customs and materials. The artworks and the artists' process allowed to reflect on exchanges that were formed at different scales in the explored environments, the cultural traditions established in different geographical areas, the proceses of adaptation to distinct environments and the ecosystem itself as a multiple agent that inter- and transrelates.

Observatorium at MAA-tila project space  © Koyne Program/ Ella Tommila

Timelapse approach of
Abrazos (Halaukset)

By using the photographic technique of taking a sequence of frames at set intervals to record changes that occur slowly over time, the simultaneous representation of three levels of time can be seen in this video.

The first of them is geological time, which is represented through the choreographic movement of the reeds, which move to the beat of their own rhythm. The representation of geological time helps us to identify non-human processes and the possible distortion in our temporal perception from our human reference.
It's interesting to note that when frames are displayed at geological speed, the action appears much faster than our human perception might initially capture.

The second level of time is human time, which is related to the natural rhythm of actions carried out by human beings. Many times, we are used to perceiving phenomena within this time frame. However, restricting our understanding of reality solely to the measurement of human time can be misleading, since there are processes and phenomena that develop on different time scales.

Lastly, there is artificial time, which is created by human intervention and is represented in this case by the artifact of a machine made up of moving motors and guides. This object, made up of a set of pieces and manufactured for a specific purpose, acts as a mediator between the idea of geological time and human action.

This shows us how technology allows us to manipulate and experiment with time in ways that are different from purely human perception. This approach invites us to reflect on our perceptions and understandings of time, revealing the diversity of time scales in which natural and human phenomena develop.

Text by curator Renzo Signori, Koyne Program
Video by artist Sofia Magdits, SNC
Artwork by Sofia Magdits & Renzo Signori

Vapaakaupungin olohuone, Helsinki

Observatorium spreaded itself also to Kalasatama where more works by three of the participating artists where shown. 

Helsinki, Finland︎
© 2025
